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Middle School Nutrition Curriculum

Purpose of The Curriculum

The goal of this lesson is for students to learn about how we can take advantage of nutrition to improve our lives. The focus is on giving accessible advice - our main message is to aim to include all 3 of the macronutrient groups in your snacks & meals. 


This lesson is not about labeling foods as bad or to take away foods we like from our diets. Rather, this lesson is about learning how to add foods to meals/snacks we already enjoy to make them more nutritious.


Lesson goals:

  1. Understand what nutrition is and why it is important in our lives 

  2. Explore our favorite foods and what they means to us

  3. Learn about the 3 macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

    1. Distinguish which foods consists of which macronutrients

Lesson goals:

  1. Learn about micronutrients and water

  2. Understand the individual concepts of processed foods and nutrient density; then, recognize the connection between them

  3. See some examples of making hunger crushing snacks by adding foods with certain nutrients that the snack was initially missing

  4. Use acquired knowledge to create a school lunch menu

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